I’m off to Budapest tomorrow for a few days. Certainly to do a bit of research while I’m there (I’m sure Silver drinks Tokaji, and Irene and Kai would enjoy new locations, or at least I’d enjoy putting them through them), but also definitely to have a holiday. Book four is waiting on edits, and book five is in progress…

Incidentally, please can the people who have won a copy or copies of the audiobooks and who haven’t yet contacted me about it, kindly do so? Or you won’t get the books. And that would be a shame. The winners were:

All three audiobooks:
Gina Brown

Just book three, The Burning Page:
Nick Watton – collected
Celtic (Gery)
Amy – collected

(Though, um, let’s be honest here – I probably won’t be emailing out any audiobook codes till I get back from holiday. But don’t let that stop you, if you’re one of the winners!)