I’m off to Budapest tomorrow for a few days. Certainly to do a bit of research while I’m there (I’m sure Silver drinks Tokaji, and Irene and Kai would enjoy new locations, or at least I’d enjoy putting them through them), but also definitely to have a holiday. Book four is waiting on edits, and book five is in progress…

Incidentally, please can the people who have won a copy or copies of the audiobooks and who haven’t yet contacted me about it, kindly do so? Or you won’t get the books. And that would be a shame. The winners were:

All three audiobooks:
Gina Brown

Just book three, The Burning Page:
Nick Watton – collected
Celtic (Gery)
Amy – collected

(Though, um, let’s be honest here – I probably won’t be emailing out any audiobook codes till I get back from holiday. But don’t let that stop you, if you’re one of the winners!)

5 responses to “Budapest tomorrow!”

  1. Hoang Lan Nguyen says:

    Hey! I don’t know if you remember me at all but I’ve commented on your post before when I was trying to draw fan art and asked you about more specific features of Irene…

    Well, after finishing I was not happy with it at all 🙁 But! I recently picked up and decided to draw another fan art.

    Unfortunately, I realised after drawing Irene that it’s definitely not how Irene would look like so I decided to make a comic fan art, instead. 😛

    Please, please it’d be great if you could comment on how you imagine the characters to look like as I want to make more individual fan art later on when I have time <3

    Hope you enjoy!

    Link: http://hoang-lan.deviantart.com/art/Irene-s-Fan-Club-672143535?ga_submit_new=10%3A1490995632

    P.S. So in the Burning Page, is the alternate universe that Irene is based in set in loosely Edwardian fashion period (plus steampunk inclinations I assume)? I noticed that from the 1st till 3rd book there has been an "evolution" of fashions worn by the silhouettes on the front cover, so I was just curious 😛

    • grcogman says:

      I do remember you – and thank you! That fan art is spectacular. I’m very flattered, and I greatly admire the work that’s gone into it.

      I’m sorry that I don’t think of the characters more visually. I will try to work on it!

      (And yes, Vale’s world is loosely Edwardian fashion, plus a bit of steampunk, plus a tendency to scarves and veils against the prevailing smog.)

      (Apologies for not replying to this comment earlier, but I’m only just back from Budapest…)

      • Hoang Lan Nguyen says:

        Thank you very much for replying back!!!

        It’s quite alright. It leaves me quite enough creative room for the characters hehe <3

        And I hope you had a great trip to Budapest!~

  2. Hoang Lan Nguyen says:

    Just a shout out that I finished another fan art (in the little spare time I’ve had this semester ^^;;) Though this time it is individual fanart of Lord Silver.

    I do wonder how old exactly he’s supposed to look like but as a Fae, I assume he can always alter his appearance, at least an illusion, if he wanted to. Plus, I would assume he’d cut his hair shorter just to look like a dandy like Oscar Wilde hehe

    I hope I don’t sound pretentious. I’m in awe with your book series, it’s a really pleasant read :3

    Link: http://hoang-lan.deviantart.com/art/Lord-Silver-680034578?ga_submit_new=10%3A1494530074

    • grcogman says:

      That is a very cute Lord Silver, and he absolutely does his best to be a dandy. Part of the whole self-image…

      I’m delighted that you like the series, and really flattered that you’ve created fan art like this. Thank you!

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