
This is fantastic.

I just got reviewed in the Guardian. A good review, at that.

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jan/16/science-fiction-novels-january-review-roundup – I’m one of the five people mentioned.

I will now go and have happy dreams. (And then get on with writing books 2 and 3.)

7 responses to “still ten miles high”

  1. I says:

    Congrats on the recommend in the Guardian. I’ve just read it from cover to cover, and safe to say the accolade is incredibly deserved. A new favourite for me. Congrats Again

  2. Noel says:

    Thank you, I enjoyed your book. I read it in a week which is unheard of for me. Can’t wait for number 2.

  3. paul says:

    Am about 3/4 of the way through Invisible Library and enjoying the bibliographic carrying ons immensely.

    I was hoping there would be further books in a series, and full glad to see this is will be so

    Is there an estimate for when we may expect the second book please.

    and congratulations on the well deserved positive review

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