And… the Library book Six has emerged from the shadows! Librarians, Fae, dragons, and all other readers, welcome to…

(Note – this is the UK cover and the UK Amazon link. I’ll be providing the US cover when it becomes available . . .)
In the latest novel in Genevieve Cogman’s historical fantasy Invisible Library series, Irene and Kai have to team up with an unlikely band of misfits to pull off an amazing art heist, or risk the wrath of a dangerous villain in his secret island lair…
A Librarian spy’s work is never done, and after their latest adventure, Irene is summoned back to the Library. The world where she grew up is in danger of veering into chaos – so she needs to obtain a particular book to stop this happening. And the only copy of the edition they need is in the hands of a notorious Fae broker and trader in rare objects: Mr Nemo.
Irene and Kai make their way to Mr Nemo’s remote Caribbean island, and are invited to dinner – which includes unlikely company. And Mr Nemo has an offer for everyone there. He wants them to form a team to steal a specific painting from a specific world. And he swears that that he will give Irene the book she seeks, if she joins them – but only if he has the painting within the week.
No one can resist the deal he offers. But to get their rewards, they’ll have to work together. And is this really possible when the team includes a dragon techie plus assorted Fae – filling the roles of gambler, driver and ‘the muscle’? Their goal? A specific museum in Vienna, in an early twenty-first-century world. Here, their toughest challenge might be each other.
Can’t wait! Sounds like another good idea for a plot and great fun, loving the whole ‘Ocean’s 11’ theme. So pleased that Irene gets to take Kai along on her latest adventure. Hopefully we’ll find out some more about Irene’s backstory too… all us fan theorists need more material! Thank you for not leaving us too long between books – it must be hard work but it’s worth it for how much your readers enjoy them!
Thank you! I hope the whole heist – er, perfectly legal retrieval carried out at night in disguise – amuses you.
You just made my day! Since the weather feels like November at the moment, can we pretend it is and read it now? 😉
I’m also looking forward to your take on Vienna, my hometown. I might run around the city looking for Irene and Kai! 🙂
Thank you! I’m afraid the weather’s turned nicer now, so you may have to wait till we actually reach the real November . . .
I loved Vienna when I visited it. All defaults in its portrayal in book six (especially as it’s a slightly “alternate” Vienna) are mine. I’m sure Irene and Kai would like to visit there under better circumstances.
When should we expect the 6th book in the states, having trouble tracking it down. Love, Love, Love this series.
I don’t think it’s up on Amazon yet. I think it’ll probably be out around the end of this year, but I can’t say for certain. Sorry. (Glad you’re enjoying it!)
The problem with finding a book series you really like is that after five books you catch up with the author. Oh how I wish I was able to travel to an alternate where book six is already available.
Please keep writing!
I wish I could, too – then I could steal book 7 and copy it, rather than having to slave over it! Very glad you’re enjoying the books.
I cannot wait to get the book!
There have been very few book I have enjoyed reading as much as the Invisible library series!
Thank you!
I’ve just binged the entire the Invisible Library series in about a month. LOVE IT!
Irene and Kai (and the rest) are such amazing and interesting characters.
I can’t wait for the new book. Thank you for writing them <3
Thank you very much!
Love this series. Will there be a 7th?
There will – look for it around the same time next year.
Very excited about Book 6 😀
Especially cause it is set in (an alternate) Vienna. Need to finish some books before that.
Love the whole series!
Thank you!
Hello from Lyon, France
Your nerves are the happy waiting of your readers ! If I have to reassure you the first five books have been so satisfying that I invariably pick your next book as my Christmas present.
@Conny Watson: me being French and as such fancying myself a logical creature (ha! will laugh all the non french readers of this blog) the final book will probably be called ‘The last word’.
Thank you very much indeed. 🙂